
What is Lobomycosis? Lobomycosis (Lobo’s disease) is a skin and subcutaneous chronic granulomatous disease resulting from infection with the fungus Loboa loboi (Lacazia loboi). For the first time reports of the occurrence of this disease

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What is Cryptococcosis? Cryptococcosis (synonyms: torulosis, European blastomycosis; Kryptokokkose – German; cryptococcose – French; criptococcosis – Spanish) – subacute or chronic deep mycosis, characterized by a severe course with a primary lesion of the central

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What is Gnatostomiasis? Gnatostomiasis is a zoonotic natural-anthropurgic biohelminthiasis from a group of nematodoses with a fecal-oral mechanism of transmission of the pathogen. It is characterized by polymorphic and clinical manifestations. There are about 1,000

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